Meet the United States' secret and most beautiful weapon in the fight against tyranny: Wonder Woman! Season One of Wonder Woman (the Pilot Movie and 13 regular episodes) retains the World War II era of the super heroine... more »'s early comic book adventures. Also captured is the exuberant tone of a comic book come to screen life as the warrior princess, empowered by her sense of a woman's worth and by the mysterious substance Feminum that's found only on her remote native isle, battles a succession of Nazi baddies. Former Miss USA Lynda Carter stars as the heroine who hides her identity behind the oversized glasses of a War Department functionary. But when duty and danger call, she transforms. And the wonders never cease.« less
Tara S. from STATEN ISLAND, NY Reviewed on 2/16/2016...
2 of 2 member(s) found this review helpful.
Greg G. from TARRYTOWN, NY Reviewed on 10/20/2009...
The transfers look great and the sound is fantastic. The stories and writing, on the other hand, make me stare in disbelief. Today's audiences (including me) may not be more sophisticated but, they must be much less patient - each episode of Wonder Woman feels like much longer than its 40-some minute duration.
All that said, it is still fun to look at and soak up the 'family' TV of my childhood.
Do not miss the commentary on the pilot episode.
2 of 2 member(s) found this review helpful.
Movie Reviews
I'm 32 years old and this was the best Christmas ever!
Momto4athome | Wherever the Army sends us | 12/26/2004
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I have 4 kids ranging in age from 9 down to a newborn but this year for Christmas I was the one screaming and jumping up and down more than any of the kids. When I opened up the Wonder Woman season DVD I almost passed out. I just couldn't believe it. I was a HUGE fan as a kid. I had wonder woman barbie, towels,etc. I used to love to pretend that I was Wonder Woman with all my friends. I even had told my kids all the stories of Wonder Woman that I could remember so that even THEY were excited when they realized they woudl finally get to watch the show and not just hear about it. I don't think my kids knew how to react seeing their mom so hyped about something!!!! When my husband hit play and the Wonder Woman song came on it all came back to me. I was absolutely in heaven!! I was dancing and rocking out to "You're a wonder, Wonder Woman!!!!" All my kids were dancing with me and I was so excited to see my kids being introduced to the greatest tv show of all time! Ok....well that could by my nostalgia from childhood but no matter how hokey this show was (and now as an adult I realize it was pretty hokey) I just don't care. As far as I am concerned Wonder Woman is still the best tv show ever made. I love Lynda Carter. I was such a loyal devoted fan that even when she starred in that one hour show with Lonnie Anderson later in the 80's that got cancelled quickly I still watched the show out of loyalty to Lynda Carter. The show she was in with Lonnie was not a good show but I was a devoted Wonder Woman fan to the end. I hope they come out with every single episode ever made. I will buy every one."
JUNE 29th 2004 The Complete First Season on DVD!!!!!!!
Sarah Bellum | 03/27/2004
(5 out of 5 stars)
"(...)Posted by David Lambert
Meet the United States' secret and most beautiful weapon in the fight against tyranny: Wonder Woman! Season One of Wonder Woman (the Pilot Movie and 13 regular episodes) retains the World War II era of the super heroine's early comic book adventures. Also captured is the exuberant tone of a comic book come to screen life as the warrior princess, empowered by her sense of a woman's worth and by the mysterious substance Feminum that's found only on her remote native isle, battles a succession of Nazi baddies. Former Miss USA Lynda Carter stars as the heroine who hides her identity behind the oversized glasses of a War Department functionary. But when duty and danger call, she transforms. And the wonders never cease.
Wonder Woman - The Complete 1st Season arrives on (...) 3 DVDs - at least two of them double-sided - that contain the 90-minute pilot episode from 1975, plus the 13 weekly episodes that make up the exciting first season that ran in 1976-77.Don't forget that Debra Winger shows up as "Wonder Girl", plus other guest stars include Cloris Leachman and Kenneth Mars. Lyle Waggoner co-stars as Major Steve Trevor, of course.Episodes included are: "The New Original Wonder Woman" (90-minute pilot), "Wonder Woman Meets Baroness Von Gunther", "Fausta: The Nazi Wonder Woman", "Beauty on Parade", "The Feminum Mystique (Part 1)", "The Feminum Mystique (Part 2)", "Wonder Woman vs. Gargantua!", "The Pluto File", "Last of the Two Dollar Bills", "Judgement from Outer Space (Part 1)", "Judgement from Outer Space (Part 2)", "Formula 407", "The Bushwackers", and "Wonder Woman in Hollywood".Included also is a featurette entitled "Beauty, Brawns and Bulletproof Bracelets: A Wonder Woman Retrospective". Also look for the commentary track we previously reported on: you'll find Lynda Carter doing one for the pilot, and sitting in with her is none other than Executive Producer Douglas S. Cramer. Clocking in at 725 minutes, this will be viewable in the same video and audio it was originally broadcast in: 1.33:1 screen format and English Mono 1.0 sound. (...)."
A DVD Filled With Wonder
Peter Saenz | Los Angeles, CA United States | 07/12/2002
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Back in the 70s, Warner Bros. decided to bring the DC Comics super heroine Wonder Woman to the small screen in the hopes of establishing a competative show with the Universal television series the Bionic Woman. The first attempt failed miseribly. A Wonder Woman television movie starring Cathy Lee Crosby aired without any of the trademark airs of the comic. Not only was she blonde, wore a jump suit and didn't deflect bullets; but her other super human abilites didn't exist either. Other than being an Amazon Princess from Paradise Island, Wonder Woman was basically an athletic Charlie's Angel. Seeing the folly of their mistakes, Warner Bros. relaunched the series staring Miss World USA: Lynda Carter. Not only did Lynda come through with all the missing airs of the character, but she captured the essence of what it ment to be an icon. In this, the Pilot of the relaunched 'New Adventures of Wonder Woman', Princess Diana discovers a downed pilot (Steve Trevor) on the shores of her island home. When a contest is held to see which Amazon will be worthy enough to escort the stranger to America, Diana enters and wins the honor of becoming Wonder Woman. Words can't express how much I enjoyed this episode. It's filled with lots of action, humor and heart as only the eternally beautiful Lynda Carter can capture. Columbia House initially released the series a few years ago on video tape. The picture quality was the best I have ever seen. Now finding a DVD product page on makes me beleive that the same quality of film may be used to bring the Amazing Amazon into a new foray of modern media. Hopefully, in keeping with the times, we may even be lucky enough to see some rare bonus items on the DVD release such as actor interviews, behind the scenes footage, original promotional commercials, bloopers, and other such trivia fans of the genre are just so eager to see."
Finally on DVD!!
Boo Cross | Fitzroy, Victoria Australia | 05/14/2003
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Yes!!! The wait is finally over!! Warner Home Video is finally releasing the WONDER WOMAN TV series on DVD!!!...Here's the details of DVD Volume 1:The Return of Wonder Woman
Wonder Woman (Lynda Carter) convinces her mother, the Queen of the Amazons, that she must once again go into the outside world to help protect the free world from its enemies, and also to protect the secret of Paradise Island and its ancient culture.Anschluss 77
Wonder Woman is called upon to battle a new and more terrifying Nazi menace when Diana Prince and Steve Trevor are assigned to investigate a reunion of expatriate Nazis on a small tropical island.The Man Who Could Move the World
Wonder Woman is pitted against the awesome telekinetic powers of a Japanese man who was interned during World War II and has been planning revenge for 35 years. EXTRAS: Cast profiles. Wonder Woman memorabilia. Photo gallery.
Duration: 164 mins
MONO: English
Aspect Ratio: 4:3
A marvel from DC
Sarah Bellum | Dublin, OH United States | 08/11/2006
(5 out of 5 stars)
"(4.5/5 stars) When I bought this DVD set, I was expecting a really bad TV show from the 70s, in other words a dated series with cornball humor, bad clothing styles and mindless plots. What I found was a delightful action-drama set in World War II with some thought-provoking scripting and the absolutely captivating Lynda Carter. While the villains are clearly identified as such, what is surprising is the manner in which Wonder Woman finds the humanity in each. By attempting to understand why these people do what they do, she essentially tells us that crime is relative and that these people are only subject to acting on human instincts. There is no absolute Good and Evil in this show. We often think of Wonder Woman fighting for the United States government, but in this show she truly does fight for truth and justice, and the US does not escape scrutiny. That is to say, the US, while clearly identified as the Good Guy, is sometimes criticized for certain actions. The episode concerning Japanese internment camps from Season Two is a good example of this. (It is always Wonder Woman who analyzes the situation and, even though she is simply following the script, Lynda Carter is that much more attractive as a result) In addition, Wonder Woman never kills the villains and uses only enough force to prevent their escape. This might come as a disappointment to some, but I found it a very refreshing approach. Instead of torturing people or beating them into submission, she uses her golden "Lasso of Truth" to get them to confess or provide details. I realize this came from the original comic book as well, but it very easily could have been much different in the wrong hands. There is an obvious feminism that runs throughout the series, such as Wonder Woman consistently overpowering men. However, it is treated in a way that should be acceptable by all but the most chauvinistic among us. Even though there are a couple weak episodes, there really isn't much I do not like about season one. The sets, while hardly elaborate, are believable as the 1940s. Sure, some of the effects are less than special, but that is the result of a low television budget. Episodes play like miniature, self-contained movies, which makes watching them only sporadically a good option. Also, I cannot praise Lynda Carter enough for the job she does with this role. She is so good that it seems she was born to play it. I find her to be one of the most beautiful women I have ever seen; she does a magnificent acting job and is physically imposing enough to make the superhero role seem plausible. I would watch her even if the show was not good, though the fact I find the show's content engaging makes it a favorite of mine."