John August

DVDs John August starred in...

Currently Available DVDs (1)

2006 - My Date with Drew

Genres: Comedy, Documentary

Currently Unavailable DVDs (1)

2020 - The Nines (Blu-ray)

DVDs John August directed...

Currently Unavailable DVDs (2)

2020 - The Nines (Blu-ray)

2008 - The Nines (Special Edition)

Genres: Drama, Science Fiction & Fantasy, Mystery & Suspense

DVDs John August helped create...

Currently Available DVDs (12)

2019 - ALADDIN (Blu-ray)

2012 - Dark Shadows

2012 - Dark Shadows (Blu-ray)

2010 - Charlie's Angels (Blu-ray)

2005 - Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (Two-Disc Deluxe Edition)

2005 - Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (Widescreen Edition)

2005 - Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (Full Screen Edition)

2004 - Big Fish

2003 - Charlie's Angels - Full Throttle (Widescreen Unrated Special Edition)

2000 - Titan AE (Special Edition)

2000 - Titan AE
1999 - Go (Special Edition)

Currently Unavailable DVDs (9)

2020 - The Nines (Blu-ray)

2015 - Charlie and the Chocolate Factory 10th Anniversary (Blu-ray)

2008 - The Nines (Special Edition)

Genres: Drama, Science Fiction & Fantasy, Mystery & Suspense
2006 - Corpse Bride / The Goonies

2006 - Tim Burton's Corpse Bride (Blu-ray)

2005 - Big Fish

2005 - Big Fish/Rudy

2003 - Charlie's Angels / Charlie's Angels Full Throttle (Superbit Deluxe)

2002 - Los Angeles de Charlie (Charlie's Angels)