Help Center - How do I post my 'boxed set' of DVDs?

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If each of the DVDs bears a unique UPC, you can post each as a separate entity

  • this way, you will earn a credit for each.

If the "box" holding the boxed set bears a UPC, you can post with that number

  • you will earn 1 credit per disc
  • most often in the title you will see the number of discs included in the set
  • you will also see how many credits a DVD is worth below the title in each DVD entry of the database
  • The UPC code must appear on the DVD(s) that are received--that means if the UPC appears only on the box that holds a set of DVDs, then the box must be sent with the DVDs.  The requestor will be able to re-swap them ONLY if the discs she or he receives include the official UPC, printed by the manufacturer. If the sender includes the "official" UPC that was on something attached to the item at some point (the cellophane, the paper band, etc.), we can also accept that as postable.

There is not a way to post the DVDs by UPC individually yet require one member to take all of them and award you all of the credits.

Related Links:

How to post a DVD